An all-inclusive approach to addressing the "Show Me City's" future growth and development
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The Missouri City Comprehensive Plan is designed as a framework for guiding future development, redevelopment, and community enhancement in the City and its associated planning area over the next 20 years and beyond. The Plan is aimed at ensuring the ongoing development and redevelopment of:

Land Use

Increasing community cohesion and achieving more varied development over the coming decades

Growth Capacity

Effectively managing future developmet in a wise and fiscally responsible manner

Parks & Recreation

Enhancing existing green spaces and providing facilities concurrent with the Parks Master Plan


Addressing community-wide mobility needs on all levels, from sidewalks to bike routes, to arterial roadways and highways


Blueprints for the City's growth and development

Traffic Management Plan

Proposed Transportation Projects

Bicycle Pedestrian Mobility Plan

Bicycle Pedestrian Mobility Plan

Parks Master Plan

Parks Master Plan

Strategic Plan 2014-2029

Strategic Plan 2014-2029

CDBG Action Plan

2015 CDBG Action Plan

2013-2017 Consolidated Plan

2013-2017 Consolidated Plan


The organizational structure necessary to implement the plan effectively

  • Phase 1

    Community Outreach and Information Strategy, Public Participation, Community Snapshot, Market Opportunity Analysis - Commercial Corridors (Phase 1) and & Goals

  • Phase 2

    Future Land Use Plan, Market Opportunity Analysis - Commercial Corridors (Phase 2) and Economic Development

  • Phase 3

    Report, Implementation and Adoption

CPAC Members

To facilitate the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan, the "Show Me" City in Fall 2015 appointed a broadly-representative Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) to work with City officials, staff and residents


The essential role of the CPAC is to regularly review the progress status of the goals, objectives, and strategies of the plan. The group will make recommendations to the City Council Members and other boards and commissions concerning updates to the plan.


If you would like to be notified about any public meetings or additional online surveys related to the City's planning process, please enter your contact information below